We’ll probably get arrested for hate speech for mentioning this, but as Christians we must stand for truth: The mental illness of transgenderism is 100% medically treatable. The headlines are filled with news stories about transgenderism on a daily basis now, and the tone of the coverage reveals the intent. Transgenderism is perfectly normal, so you bigoted Christians should shut up and use our fictitious pronouns that we just made up. The truly sad thing is that the medical community is assisting the mainstream media in unleashing a horror on our society.
A transgender man who goes by the name Evie Amati was just sentenced to five years in prison in Australia. “Evie” had a date with a woman that didn’t go well earlier in the evening. So, he took an axe, walked into a 7-11 convenience store, and split an innocent bystander’s face in half with it.
The victim, Ben Rimmer, had never seen Evie before in his life and he now has to live with four steel plates holding his face and skull together. Attacks like this are commonplace among the “transgender community” which we are expected to believe is “normal.”
“The College Fix,” a conservative-leaning news site that covers the insanity consuming American universities, reports on the explosion of young women being consumed by “rapid onset gender dysphoria.” Parents are sending their young feminine daughters off to college, and they are coming home with moustaches and double mastectomies that have removed their healthy breasts. The hormone blockers and surgeries are covered under the health insurance plans at 86 colleges across America. The parents likely purchased the insurance to protect against a broken leg, but they ended up losing their daughters entirely. Campus medical facilities are totally supportive of young ladies, and presumably young men, undergoing these procedures. No alternative is offered, only supportive counseling as they mutilate themselves.
And it’s getting worse. In our progressive neighbor to the north, Canada, doctors are now legally obligated to be universally affirming if a child as young as 10 expresses a desire to change their gender. By universally affirming, the government means that doctors are prohibited from even mentioning the possibility that, perhaps, just maybe, the child or their parents should wait before making any drastic changes.
Canadian doctors are under orders to give puberty-blocking drugs to gender-confused children. The Canadian Medical Association Journal notes that far more girls are reporting to doctors for puberty and hormone blockers than boys.
It wasn’t that long ago that everyone correctly viewed transgenderism and gender dysphoria as a mental illness. Campus LBG (Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual) clubs fought ferociously to keep the Ts out of their groups in the 1990s. Even they didn’t want to have anything to do with transgendered dudes in dresses, because they knew that including the obviously mentally ill transgenders as part of their lobby would eventually open the door for including pedophiles, and they weren’t ready to open that can of worms.
Throughout 8 years of Barack Obama’s weird obsession with transgenders, America was forced to accept transgenders in the military and in little girls’ restrooms. It became a thought crime to even mention that there is possibly something mentally wrong with these people. LGB clubs became LGBT clubs and now they’re all the way up to a whole alphabet of sexual delusions in their acronym.
But in a 1996 study conducted by Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School, psychiatrists discovered that transgenderism and gender dysphoria are medically treatable. Here’s the link to the study since no one will want to believe you if you tell them about this. Doctors treated a man who was cross-dressing and had a strong desire to undergo surgery to turn him into a “woman.” They prescribed a common drug called pimozide. From the study:
“OUTCOME: There was an excellent response to pimozide 2 mg daily, with a cessation of both cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment. When, after 1 year, the dose was reduced to 1 mg daily, there was a rapid return of the cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment. An increase in the dose again led to a remission which has been maintained since then.”
Translated into plain English, the patient was cured of his transgenderism with a prescription of the same anti-psychotic drug used to treat people with Tourette’s syndrome and schizophrenia. You won’t be seeing a report on that study on CNN anytime soon.
Pretending that transgenderism is normal, and not an abomination to God and a rebellion against His creation, is folly. These people are mentally ill, and they deserve compassion and treatment, not reinforcement of their delusion and we certainly shouldn’t be forcing doctors to give children puberty blockers.
P.S. If you don’t hear from us again after reporting this, it probably means Robert Mueller scooped us up in a pre-dawn SWAT raid for committing hate speech.