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Startling Technology Trend is Straight Out of the Book of Revelations

The concept of inserting microchips under the skin is fast becoming popular, especially in Sweden where thousands of people have opted to switch their cash and credit cards for a chip that essentially serves the same purpose.

Even so, the trend isn’t limited to Sweden alone; in Germany, for instance, the concept of using a microchip for services such as opening doors and storing passwords and membership cards is also very popular.

Even so, as many people who opt to microchip themselves openly admit, there is far more to the idea of inserting a microchip than simplifying payments and storing important information in a convenient manner.

In Sweden and elsewhere, many people who are taking part in the drive to get a personal microchip are also members of the transhumanist movement. Transhumanists, as the name implies, believe that the next step in evolution is for man to merge with machine. They embrace concepts such as DNA editing, boosting senses with microchips, using technology to increase brain power and essentially fixing human flaws by changing the basic makeup of humanity.

In the end, the stated goal of many transhumanists is to live forever by merging man with machine. While there is nothing wrong with improving one’s self or even the desire to live a long life, the methods that transhumanists want to use to achieve these goals bring about disturbing questions to which there are no easy answers.

For Christians, perhaps one of the most disturbing questions would be whether one day microchip implantation would become mandatory instead of just a cool thing that techies are into doing. In Revelation 13:16, the Bible makes it clear that a world leader known as the Antichrist will one day require people to be marked in order to buy and sell goods and microchips in their current form fit in well with this prophecy.

At the same time, there are also a number of ethical questions arising from the latest drive to improve the human body using implanted technology. For instance, would people who either cannot afford to upgrade to new technologies or would prefer not to do so be considered second class citizens? What if someone who got implanted chips wanted to have them removed? What would happen if something goes wrong and one or more implanted microchips are hacked?

The odds of having an implanted chip hacked are currently quite low but at least one chip vendor in Germany is already advising his clients not to store overly sensitive information on their implanted chips. Furthermore, technology is advancing at a fast clip and it is not unthinkable that hackers could figure out how to obtain information from implanted chips at some point in the future.

Many people who are having microchips implanted between their thumb and forefinger aren’t thinking much about potential future problems or ethical concerns. Most simply want to make their lives more convenient.

Others want to avoid the theft of their money and/or other personal belongings and a secure, implanted chip seems like an ideal solution. Others are promoting the use of implanted chips that release important medications into those who need regular medical treatment.

Still others are chipped simply because an employer is requiring or encouraging his or her employees to get a chip implant.

However, chipping is just the beginning of a trend that could pose a serious danger to society and all in it and those who are advocating the merge of man with machine aren’t stopping with chip implants. In the United States, Elon Musk has founded a startup company called Neuralink to create technologies for merging humans with artificial intelligence.

Harvard Professor Charles Lieber has stated that implanting AI into humans will one day be possible even though there are important challenges to be overcome before this becomes a reality.

The fact that a growing number of people think merging man with machine is a good idea should ring alarm bells. Given the fact that there are many ethical questions involved in creating a transhuman race that those in power are simply not prepared to answer, both Christians and non-Christians alike would do well to be wary of the idea of inserting chips into human beings for any reason.

Humanity simply has no idea what will happen if man merges with machine and there may very well be dire consequences that simply cannot be undone.

~ Christian Patriot Daily

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