“South Park”, the adult cartoon show that frequently makes fun of current news and issues, nails an important point in the clip below. Despite how trendy it is to attack Trump and his character, they pointed out Clinton’s inability to adapt to situations and proffer meaningful responses and ideas.
The term “over prepared” has been thrown around a lot, and many people are misunderstanding the context. Clinton did not over prepare in the sense that she studied too many data points and strategies. Really, she over prepared by pre-planning canned responses that often didn’t fit into the context of the debate. She was unable to keep up with Trump’s responsive, adaptive tactics, and that is made abundantly clear in South Park’s parody of the debate that doesn’t stray too far from the actuality of Clinton’s performance.
Amazingly, in spite of being “over prepared”, Clinton was still underprepared in terms of providing accurate or reliable information, and she still has yet to outline any policies that can sustainably address issues in America. Instead, she continues to stick to the progressive pandering that has dominated her flip-flopping statements since the primaries.
Check out the hilarious parody of Hillary Clinton’s performance at the debate between Donald Trump and herself.