Christians across America have suffered under the plague of secularism that tried to drive faith out of our communities.
High school sports coaches have been suspended, even fired for joining young people in voluntary prayer before and after games. The liberal ACLU has actually joined forces with the Church of Satan to try and coerce good, Christian communities to erect the devil’s icons. The unholy duo has also fought to promote abortion and infect school-aged children with atheism.
American Christians have been under fire from liberal extremists to either renounce their faith or suffer the consequences. A young Christian student is reportedly being flunked because she refuses to deny the existence of God. Although she holds a pristine academic record, a Polk State College professor insists hard work and intelligence are not enough.
The militant liberal Polk State professor is forcing students to agree with his position that Christianity is a violent and immoral religion or fail the exams. The radical professor has put forth ideas that same sex marriage is not a sin and women are treated horribly in Christian marriage and communities. Liberalism, being akin to fascism on college campuses, requires people either agree with the far left or fail.
But this 16-year-old who is taking virtual classes while in high school has fought back. Check out this news clip and find out how one teenage Christian may be turning the tide on liberal hate.