The CBC reports that a Canadian man had his gender legally switched to female on his birth certificate, for the sole purpose of paying lower car insurance. The scheme appears to have worked.
“David,” the unidentified gender-swapper, received his new birth certificate in the mail and is now being billed as a woman for his car insurance. “David” says he is 100 percent male, meaning he has simply figured out a way to game the gender-insanity system being imposed on Western civilization.
The fact that “David” must has also concealed his real name behind a pseudonym reveals another truth about the gender-insanity crowd. Because he has exposed just one of the frauds inherent in this attention-seeking disorder, “David” will likely face death threats from its adherents if they ever learn his true identity. The young man fully admits that he pulled off this charade – and convinced his doctor to sign a note supporting his gender switch on paper – to exploit the system.
Deviating from God’s normative standard – two genders, male and female – has left nothing but misery and confusion in its wake. Boys pretending to be girls are winning state sporting championships, denying awards that rightfully would have been won by girls. High school boys and adult men are naturally stronger than girls, but anyone who suggests that these “girls” winning championships are actually boys is treated as a thought criminal.
An Oregon judge ruled last week that high school girls must shower with boys who claim to identify as girls. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is running a monstrous experiment in which baby boys are dressed in girls’ clothing (and girls in boys’ clothing) and then allowing adult strangers to interact with them as if they are the incorrect gender. The Twitter hashtag for the experiment is #NoMoreBoysAndGirls.
What is the Christian response to this insanity? How should we view a practice that modern science has declared to be sacrosanct?
God is absolutely clear on the number of genders. It is two – “male and female He created them,” reads Genesis 1:27. The Law School Admission Test (LSAT), which students take to try to get into law school, now offers 12 separate gender categories for aspiring lawyers – and they are encouraged to check all that apply!
Modern pagans like to beat us over the head with the statement, “Gender is just a social construct.” If that is true, isn’t it remarkable that every society throughout history has settled on the same two genders, male and female?
To be clear, God views gender confusion and transvestism with disdain and disgust. Deuteronomy 22:5 reads, “The woman shall not wear that which pertains to a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.”
This verse has sparked some strange arguments among Christians over the years. Many have attempted to make the verse much more complicated than it is and ended up arguing over whether women can wear pants. We’ll try to tackle it with more brevity than that.
First, this was an anti-Canaanite law that was delivered to the Israelites as they were moving into Canaan. The Israelites’ new neighbors had some weird religious sects which required cross-dressing as a “sacrament,” and God’s people were not to mimic them in any way.
Second, God declares transvestism to be an “abomination,” which is the term reserved in Scripture for the vilest sins against God. Whether a parent believes it is “cute” or that they are achieving “social justice” or striking a blow against the mythical Patriarchy by putting little Timmy in a dress is irrelevant. God Himself views it as an abomination.
Third, the placement of this law against transvestism suggests an even deeper meaning for the Christian. Verses 1-4 of Deuteronomy 22 deal wholly with private property and one’s relationship to their neighbor’s property. By “switching” suddenly to transvestism in verse 5, it suggests that an individual’s sexuality is a part of their ordained property which has been bestowed on them by God.
Attempting to shed the gender which God has bestowed on one at birth is an abomination. Masking a woman’s femininity or a man’s masculinity is an attempt to shed the divine property of gender which God has given stewardship over.
Christian parents should be especially watchful and diligent in training our children on these issues, even as the pagan community around us disintegrates under the weight of its own insanity. This gender insanity will eventually pass after enough “Davids” expose just how ludicrous the system is.
~ Christian Patriot Daily