Ted Nugent has long been a vocal supporter of the Republican Party, gun rights and really everything associated with the Constitution. He performed at rallies before Donald Trump speeches and he did everything he could, including in his home state of Michigan, to point out what Donald Trump could do for the country.
With the vast majority of news outlets pointing to Hillary Clinton most likely inning the Presidential Election, it did come as a bit of a shock for Ted Nugent, who went on to record his reaction following the official announcement that Donald Trump had won the Presidency of the United States.
With tears in his eyes, Ted Nugent gleefully declared his excitement over voters giving the proverbial middle finger to the establishment in Washington that has decimated our economy over the last eight years. He pointed out that he was going to go deer hunting in the morning and partake in many of the activities Democrats would want to take away, including the right to own a gun.
Even if you are not a fan of Ted Nugent’s style of music, what he says he says with passion and conviction and you can tell it really does mean a lot to him. If you are interested in checking out Ted Nugent’s full reaction to Donald Trump winning the election, make sure to check out the video link.