Hillary supporters love to talk about resumes and how “qualified” their choice of candidate is, so let’s talk about resumes.
After the recession hit, a lot of Americans were suddenly looking for jobs, and as a result, hiring managers had to sift through more resumes than ever before. They learned some important things in the process, and those things are now standard on a resume. Listing jobs you once held won’t get you hired. Instead, you need to cite examples of success from the jobs you held.
Keeping that in mind, let’s revisit the resume argument. Hillary has been in politics for decades. She can list a lot of positions. Trump has been in business. He can’t list any political offices held, but what about accolades?
Trump can cite more successful negotiations, business deals, startups, fostered relationships and other specific examples of success than you could read in a day.
Hillary’s achievements, in all of those long years of office, are something else. In fact, you’d be hard pressed to get any of her supporters to list a single genuinely positive impact she’s had on anyone or anything she has touched.
Take a look at the video. You’ll see the real list of accolades for her resume.