In case you have been avoiding all political discussion for the last week, the FBI has reopened its investigation of Hillary Clinton and her emails in light of finding massive amounts of new evidence.
In response, the same liberal media that have lauded Comey and the FBI for their integrity and excellent work are now criticizing those same people. As soon as something is unfavorable towards Clinton, it immediately becomes bigoted, xenophobic, or, in this case, a violation of justice.
The hypocrisy necessary to stay in the Clinton camp at this point is so extreme that even long-time supporters are pointing it out. This video is one of countless examples of even the most extreme members of liberal media decrying the FBI for trying to do its job.
You will hear some pretty harsh criticism of Hillary fanaticism.
Meanwhile, the reopening of the case only supports what skeptics have known all along: justice was not served in the original investigation. Now that a device that escaped the Clinton evidence purge is available, members of the FBI might be able to do the right thing after all.
Only time will tell, but things sure look bad for Secretary Clinton with less than two weeks left before Election Day.