Trump wants to be fair in his policies on immigration — fair to Americans first. He understands that Americans who have worked hard and have stayed in jobs for years deserve to keep those jobs and to be paid fair wages; they don’t deserve to have their jobs taken away from them by employers moving factories to Mexico, to China or anywhere else.
And they don’t deserve to have their wages cut by illegal immigrants seeking those same jobs and offering to perform them for lower wages than what Americans currently earn.
Trump also wants to protect Americans from illegal immigrants who have come to this country to commit crimes. Trump believes those people should be deported immediately, with no questions asked and absolutely no amnesty given.
Trump also believes that the concept of sanctuary cities — cities that harbor undocumented immigrants and give them safe refuge from police efforts to question them about their legal status — need to be eliminated; Trump believes there should no such concept as sanctuary cities.
Instead, all potential immigrants need to be vetted in an extreme way — those without paperwork or documentation absolutely should not be allowed into the country to begin with.