Since becoming President-Elect, Donald Trump has taken calls and visits from a wide range of individuals. On Monday, December 5, he had a sit down meeting with former Vice-President Al Gore, for example. Donald’s ability to sit down and talk with anyone and everyone on both sides of the political spectrum shows he is willing to bridge the gaps between the parties and unite the country.
Of course, that is if the liberals would ever stop complaining about every single breathe he takes. Over the weekend, Donald Trump took a phone call from Taiwan, which is a breach of long standing White House policy, and in turned infuriated China.
So why exactly is China upset with Donald Trump? After all, it is just a phone call. Well, the very short version of the story is following the end of the Second World War as China began its move towards communism. During an attempted civil war, nationalist who did not want to be a communist nation fled to the island of Taiwan.
Through back alley channels, the United States supported Taiwan as it did most nations combating communism. So, accepting this phone call from Taiwan openly is more or less a slap in the face of China.
Of course, China openly communicates with North Korea all the time, yet the United States doesn’t openly complain like this. It’s as if China is going the way of the liberal.
Check out the video to see China’s full reaction.