Donald Trump has started to make his hires for cabinet positions public. The majority of these cabinet positions do need to be appointed by congress. Donald has decided to pull individuals who have experience in government but aren’t afraid to buck the system.
For his first hire for his cabinet, President-Elect Trump selected RNC Chair Reince Priebus as his Chief of Staff.
Now, if you were to turn on any of the left-sided media, you are going to hear them complain about picking people from government in order to run the government, because Donald said he wanted to “Drain the Swamp.”
The problem with their logic is you do need people who understand how the government process works in order to correct the process. Kind of like the old saying of “know your enemy.” When there is an understanding, it is possible to attack the situation and to correct the problem. That is what Mr. Trump has started to do with the selection of Reince Priebus.
Mr. Priebus has already conducted interviews in order to help shed more light onto Donald Trump to those who are protesting his election. Reince wants those individuals to know that he really is a president of the people, for the people.
Many of those who are protesting ultimately do not know what they are protesting. Donald has long said he would support all races, genders and make sure equality is available to all of the people in his desire to bring them together. To find out more why Reince is a great first hire and what this shows about Donald Trump’s hiring abilities watch the clip below.