Famously liberal Joy Behar from the talk show The View referred to the three women abused by former President Bill Clinton as ‘tramps,’ when discussing how Hillary Clinton should respond to GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s appearance with them at the second national presidential debate on October 9.
The three women — Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones — appeared together with Trump at a Facebook Live event talking about their accounts prior to the debate. They were then seated in the audience at the debate itself, not far from the man who abused them, Bill Clinton.
Clinton frowned impassively as the women looked stern-faced on-air and even as Trump called both Clintons out for Bill’s depraved behavior and the First Couple’s subsequent attempts to cover the incidents up and pay Jones off.
It’s the height of hypocrisy for the hosts of The View to call Trump out for his “locker room talk” of 11 years ago while at the same time disparaging actual rape victims of Hillary’s husband while they both seek to gain reentry to the same residence where one of the attacks took place!