Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party would have you believe that Russia is the enemy. For whatever reason the party wants to relive the Cold War, where everyone lives in fear that the day might be their last day due to nuclear war. Of course now, we have a better understanding of a nuclear blast, and sitting under desk drills will not do a thing to protect ourselves.
Now, this is not to say Russia is some stand up nation and they will become our new favorite allies, such as the UK or Canada. We do not see everything eye to eye with Russia and that likely will never change. However, it doesn’t mean we can’t get along and work together.
Can you imagine what would happen if the United States worked with Russia to defeat ISIS? With potentially the two largest and most powerful militaries in the world, we could sweep through and take out ISIS once and for all.
Plus, being able to work together on this might help out with other problems later on. Hillary thinks Russia is the evil bogeyman and would rather worry about Russia than ISIS. Of course, she helped create ISIS, but she doesn’t really want to state as much.
Watch the video below of Putin very calmly and smartly warning Americans that Hillary and her liberal news partners are distracting voters from the real problem, which is radical Islamic fundamentalists.