In a Fox News exclusive with Sean Hannity, Vice President Mike Pence addresses the anti-Christian attacks leveled against him and others by morning talk show The View co-host Joy Behar.
Behar, to the snickers and enthusiasm of other View personalities, taunted the devout Christian Pence for his strong faith and adherence to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Behar is widely considered an anti-Christian talk show celebrity. She went as far as to rip the vice president’s belief in following the guidance of Jesus Christ a form of mental illness. Behar, shown laughing at Pence’s faith and millions of Christians around the world, initially refused to apologize for her discriminatory and hateful attack.
The ABC network has come under increased scrutiny and pressure from Christian leaders and television watchers. That pressure appears to have trickled down and Behar reportedly called V.P. Pence and gave him the apology he deserved. But Behar’s cowardly attack on Christians may have been less than sincere and it was apparently kept quiet from her audience. In the Fox News exclusive with Hannity, the vice president answers pointed questions about the offensive remarks that Christians suffer mental illness for adhering to their faith.
Take a few minutes to tune into the forceful and appropriate response that Vice President Pence makes to Joy Behar and ABC about targeting Christians in this video.