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Watch Bill Clinton’s Immigration Policy Speech in 1996—Sound Familiar?

Holy carbon copy, Batman! It sounds like what Bill Clinton was saying in 1996 is an exact duplicate of what Donald Trump has been saying in 2016. Clinton talks about illegal immigrants entering the country, taking jobs, using public services and imposing undue burdens on taxpayers.

Clinton says we need to secure the country’s borders, hire a record number of new border security guards, deport twice as many illegal aliens, crack down on illegal hiring and stop giving welfare benefits to illegals. Clinton goes on to say how his new budget will do more to speed the deportation of criminal aliens and better identify illegal immigrants in the workplace.

He says that we must do more to stop the kind of abuse our immigration laws have seen in recent years and then gets a standing ovation from the Congressional audience! With Newt Gingrich standing behind him, if you didn’t know it was Clinton, you’d swear this was a Trump speech! Yet Trump is branded a racist and prejudiced against Hispanics for saying the same things — it’s the definition of hypocrisy.

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