Let’s make it happen! Yes, believe it or not, these were the words out of Hillary Clinton’s mouth when a Trump fan yelled out “Hillary For Prison!” instead of “Hillary For President!” at one of her rallies.
Could this be just another instance of the Democratic candidate not remembering where she was or what she was doing?
With Hillary’s health in decline, anything is possible… It might be time to reboot Robot Hillary again!
Maybe the next time this happens, this guy could offer Hillary one of her very own Hillary For Prison t-shirts that are selling like hotcakes around the country. And who knows — without all her overprotective handlers to stop her, maybe Hillary would hold the shirt up in the air and show it off for a photo op.
This clip just goes to show that Hillary is basically on autopilot; without a teleprompter or an electronic earpiece to tell her what to say, she’s lost in a drone-world of being a candidate automaton, glad-handing supporters and opponents alike without listening to a word they’re saying.