Could Hillary Clinton possibly be less sensitive or truthful? This stirring ad starring Dr. Dorothy Woods, widow of Navy SEAL Ty Woods, who was killed in the 2012 Benghazi consulate attacks, is a perfect example of both.
Woods lays it all out with a video clip showing how Clinton could care less about the facts and about lying to the faces of relatives of those who were killed in the tragic events, which Clinton bears much of the blame for.
Perhaps Clinton could also be more forthcoming about how she was asleep when notice of the attacks came through and didn’t want to take a 3 a.m. phone call. As Secretary of State for the world’s most powerful nation, why would you? While our brave soldiers literally put their lives on the line, apparently Hillary Clinton, like her husband Bill, values shut-eye more than her job — it’s certainly important when you’re attempting to run for leader of the free world to get your priorities straight!