Tucker Carlson really stands out as one of the leading cable news hosts on Fox, and there are good reasons for that. He seems to be one of the few remaining public intellectuals in America who is unafraid to ask fundamental questions about who we are as a nation, and who we are going to be years from now as a result of unchecked, limitless immigration.
Carlson wears his heart on his sleeve and often breaks out in laughter when his guests make outlandishly false claims. He attempts to have thoughtful discourse with his political opponents, even when they are frothing-at-the-mouth lunatics, such as Members of Congress. We don’t intend to pick a fight with him in this article, but Tucker Carlson was dead wrong on a recent program where he discussed the intersection of religion and politics.
And for the record, we know that Tucker Carlson is a dear brother in Christ. He’s an Episcopalian and has stated that he loves the liturgy but hates what the leadership of that denomination has done to undermine and destroy the church from within. (Many Presbyterians, Methodists, Lutherans and even Baptists can probably relate.)
In a segment discussing the 14,000-strong Honduran welfare horde which seeks to breach our southern borders, Carlson played several clips from open-borders globalists, all of whom are trying to browbeat people with Bible verses about how we should welcome these thieves into our neighborhoods and hire them to babysit our kids.
Hillary Clinton, of all people, smarmily told an audience of God-hating, atheistic Democrats, “Jesus told us to suffer the little children to come unto Me.” She then sniffed, “He didn’t say to make the children suffer.”
RHiNO John Kasich, the Governor of Ohio for some reason, preached that “the Lord” wants us to have compassion and welcome this rapidly-assembled foreign army of MS-13 killers, gang rapists, murderers, attempted murderers and potential Islamic terrorists from overseas into America. (Even Jeb Bush probably thinks Kasich is a bit of a wimp when it comes to border issues.)
Other noted figures twisted Bible verses out of all context to claim that America needs to take in these fake refugees (primarily dangerous grown men fleeing no war or persecution whatsoever) right now – for Jesus!
Following these clips, Tucker Carlson argued that because this has become a “theological argument,” no resolution is possible. No one can have their minds changed if the conversation devolves into religion. We couldn’t disagree more.
This is the same argument, at its base, that the political left has used for decades to try to drive Christians out of politics. If a person’s Christian faith is not to be discussed, ever, outside of the four walls of the church, then the implicit argument is that this same faith cannot be used to guide a congressman’s vote or a Supreme Court Justice’s decision on an issue. This is folly! Aside from that, what makes Tucker Carlson believe that he could ever change Hillary Clinton’s mind, with or without theology included in the debate?
How ironic that a woman who has fought to make partial-birth abortion legal should throw Bible verses at us about children suffering!
If a true Christian (not a Clintonite posing as a Christian) will have a debate about the sanctity of borders and you show them what the Scriptures say about the subject, you can absolutely change their mind if they pray about it, study it and are intellectually honest – contrary to what Tucker Carlson argued.
Jesus taught us that a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. (Mark 3:24) Has bringing in one million immigrants per year made America more united, or more divided as a nation? Paul taught that if a man won’t work, he shouldn’t eat. Yet we are supposed to welcome in a horde of grown men whose sole desire is to live off American taxpayer-funded welfare?
The Israelites showed total respect for national borders on their trek to the Promised Land, while the book of Acts states that God alone establishes national boundaries for His purposes. These are arguments that Christians, through God’s help, can win. But only if we’re allowed to make them. We respectfully hope Tucker Carlson will rethink his position on this issue.
~ Christian Patriot Daily