Have you gone through a personal crisis or have things in life gotten so complicated or difficult that you have begun to doubt the power and awesomeness of God? Well, here’s a news flash: We’ve all been there!
Every Christian will go through doubts at some point in their life. Whether you call it a crisis of faith or a “dark night of the soul,” every single one of us will experience a time in our lives when we start to have doubts. Many of the most important historical figures have their story about losing faith included in the Bible. Jeremiah is referred to as the “weeping prophet” due to his frequent doubts. Jonah was swallowed by a whale. John the Baptist questioned the divinity of Jesus after he was thrown in prison for speaking truth to power.
An important thing to remember is that God is perfect in His timing — even though that might not coincide with your wants and desires. Perhaps God is waiting for you to take an action that you know you’ve been avoiding?
The big question, of course, is what should you do when you doubt your faith? Alan Parr has a great series of videos for Christians who are young in the faith and wrestling with questions just like this, called “The Beat.”
Check out the video below as Mr. Parr, who is a truly dynamic and inspirational speaker, explains five things that you can do when you start to doubt your faith. He has some great advice, plus, Number Four in his list probably applies to your situation right now! Watch and see.