Fox News analyst retired Army Lt. Col. Ralph Peters pointed out that President Obama’s $400 million shipment to Iran in January that coincided with the release of four American hostages was likely a ransom payment, saying that the transfer “smells to high heaven” but that it’s “business as usual” for the administration.
The shipment of $400 million in cash, made via an unmarked cargo plane in the dead of night, was paid in Swiss Francs and Euros to avoid U.S. laws saying that such payments issued in U.S. dollars are illegal.
Benghazi hero and military contractor Kris Paronto is quoted as saying that such payments will only encourage other states to take American hostages in the future, setting a dangerous precedent.
Even White House spokesman Josh Earnest is forced to admit that the money is likely to end up sponsoring terrorism, a damning admission that President Obama probably wishes wasn’t true.