If the Democrats aren’t careful, they’re going to start blaming the Russians for everything from the stock market’s inexorable rise to the reason why Brad Pitt is divorcing Angelina Jolie. Throughout the presidential election campaign, nearly every time there was a significant revelation made public by WikiLeaks or other media organizations, the Democrats were quick to point the finger at Russia as the original source of the incriminating information.
Never mind that the Democrats’ own presidential campaign staff were associating with devil-worshippers and coordinating massively illegal pay-to-play schemes and election fraud. When in doubt, blame the Russians!
Watch this clip to see another human puppet in a long line of simply impossible-to-believe White House spokespeople try to make excuses for why the Obama administration can’t get into details about the “confirmed” Russian hacking and how, when or if the U.S. will respond with its own significant cyber counterattacks.
The reporter questioning the spokesperson is absolutely right to disbelieve the buffoon-like speaker; if the U.S. can’t describe its cyber capabilities or even whether they will make use of them, it’s like asking if a tree falls in the woods whether it still makes a sound. Hopefully, press briefings like this one will be a relic of the Obama administration come January 20!