Floating around the news lately is the name Huma Adebin. Now who is this individual exactly, and what has she done?
Well, we know the who, just hopefully we find out the what in time from the November 8 elections.
Huma Abedin is a longtime aide of Hillary Clinton. In fact, members of the Clinton inner circle would likely tell you Huma is the closest aide Hillary has. However, Mrs. Abedin’s name recently came up as the FBI is going through thousands of emails sent on a computer shared with her estranged husband, disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner.
Now, the name Anthony Weiner probably sounds familiar, but if you can’t place it, let’s backtrack a bit. Anthony Weiner is a former United States Representative out of the state of New York, who famously sent a picture of his genitals to other individuals (not his wife) and was caught doing it. More recently, he has been caught in another affair, and the FBI confiscated the laptop in this external investigation.
This has nothing to do with the original Hillary Clinton email investigation, yet Hillary Clinton’s name and other essential information has come up within the Anthony Weiner investigation (it’s obvious Hillary has a major email problem).
There are serious allegations from the most recent set of emails that connects Hillary to receiving the questions of past debates ahead of time and several more serious, potentially criminal, issues.
Make sure to click on the video link and check out the fully story and more information regarding the situation.