The United States government is set up for checks and balances. When one side starts to tip the other one makes up for it. However, another four years of a Democratic president and it is going to tip in more ways than you may initially believe. It is more than just the affect it has on the next four years. It is going to affect the United States and the country as a whole for decades to come.
First, Hillary Clinton is for abortions, at any time of the pregnancy. Many have claimed Donald’s statement of abortions a few days before birth don’t occur, but there are plenty of abortions on record taking place at eight months. Eight months. This is murder and there is no other way of putting it. Hillary Clinton is fine with the murder of eight month pregnancies.
Hillary Clinton also wants to take your right to own a gun away. She says she just wants a few more background checks, but when looking deeper into the way she voted in her time in the Senate, she wants to strip you of your Second Amendment right to protect yourself.
A very important issue and one as to why you need to vote for Trump is putting on another member of the Supreme Court. Obama already put his own person in there, and now Hillary can put another one up? Having a fully Democratic supporting Supreme Court can spell disaster—check out the video below of conservative activist Dinesh D’Souza’s explanation for why this presidential election is a critical one for Christians in America.