Transgenderism is on the rise in America. In the last five years, the transgender population has more than doubled. The progressives herald this as a monumental achievement. Naturally, since everyone is inherently on an LGBT spectrum, this can only be the result of a maturing and accepting culture making way for the inevitable future.
Real science, as always, has some contradictions to offer. Transgenders in this country are remarkably young. While that may fit with your expectations, it opens the door to analyze real data in order to extrapolate important facts. The hard truth is that the rise in transgenderism is a two-fold problem, and the only ones bearing the negative consequences are those undergoing transitions in the first place.
Widespread research on variable demographics of transgenders in America is severely lacking. Until 2015, the disagreement between surveys varied by as much as 50 percent. In the past two years, a new focus has brought in better consistency, but there is still a disagreement about how best to represent transgender distributions. For now, a study done by UCLA is considered the most reliable source. In it, they found that approximately one-half of one percent of the U.S. adult population is transgender. Among those, roughly two-thirds of individuals who identify as transgender are between the ages of 13 and 24. So, for starters, we know that this is something that appears much more frequently among younger generations.
Progressives will tell you that normalizing transgenderism is helping more young people to feel safe coming forward, and they aren’t entirely wrong. A media blitz and wave of progressive propaganda has certainly contributed to a rise in this population, but there is more to the story. Consider, for instance, that minorities in the U.S. are 50 percent more likely to identify as transgender. Also consider that roughly 60 percent of transitions begin before the age of 25. An honest analysis of all of this data reveals the truth.
That the vast majority of transgenders are young tells us two things. First, this is an issue that arises primarily when people’s bodies are undergoing a natural transition. Adult bodies don’t reach full maturity until an average age of 25. While the bulk of transition occurs during teen years, significant hormone level changes can perpetuate well into the 20s.
By 30, the vast majority of adults are fully matured and no longer experiencing these changes. This correlates with an extreme drop in the rate of transgenderism. Basically, individuals who have particularly extreme puberties are having their issues conflated with something entirely different. The tendency of psychology and sociology to cater to popular trends only exacerbates the problem. Rather than allowing youths’ bodies to naturally resolve imbalances, we are pushing them into extreme procedures that wreak irrevocable damage on their physical and psychological well-being.
The second thing we can learn from this is that progressives are determined to take full advantage of any group that feels out of place. Much like pubescent imbalance is conflated with transgenderism, marginalization in general is used as an excuse to further liberal’s agenda.
Minorities in America are often torn between their cultural heritage and American surroundings. It’s completely reasonable for this to cause some uncertainties during formative years. For young people who lack a proper support structure, the desire to find any community that can offer guidance is normal. Unfortunately, one of those accepting communities is a new cult bent on convincing them to destroy their bodies.
Dissociative psychological disorders do exist, and they can manifest in the form of something akin to transgenderism. It is exceedingly rare, and research has shown that a physical transition is more than just an ineffective treatment; it makes the problem worse.
For the hundreds of thousands of transgenders in America who don’t have this issue, we are promoting and accepting a course of action that only serves to destabilize their well-being. We need to stop sweeping real problems under the transgender rug and face them head on.
~ Christian Patriot Daily