The idea of using hand signals to manipulate the moderator and rig a debate wounds ludicrous. Sadly, Hillary has little else to offer the American people.
To the untrained eye, or the fervent Hillary supporter, this may feel farfetched, but professional poker players make their living by noticing tells and signs of foul play. The video makes it very clear that hand signals Hillary flashed during the debate are overt and unmistakable.
Of course, what would you expect from the candidate who rigged the Democratic primaries against Bernie Sanders?
Really, this is just standard procedure for the Clinton Campaign at this juncture. On the other side of things, it makes Trump’s performance that much more impressive.
Despite being interrupted five times as often as Clinton, Trump still held his own and presented an excellent debate. Even having moderators in her pocket isn’t enough to put Hillary ahead, and her campaign is only going to display more corruption as she falls behind Trump.
The saddest part for her is that she is so out of touch with the American people that she doesn’t even realize how the tactics will push even more voters away.