Hillary Clinton failed America in Benghazi. Ok. You already knew that. The 800-page report that was released by the special Congressional Committee put together to investigate the attack doesn’t change what critics already knew about Clinton, but it does provide stark evidence in contrast to the claims of her supporters.
The email she sent to her daughter once again proves that she lied on official statements and reports. The basic findings of the investigation accuse Clinton of mishandling the situation, displaying bad judgment, incompetence and dishonesty. When Trump explained during the recent debate that his judgment is more reliable than hers, this is what he meant.
Clinton has made a career of throwing military and police personnel in America under the bus to try to win a few votes. Her only goal is to gain personal power, and her actions consistently prove that her self-interest overrides any capacity she has for making America better.
She is the most dangerous candidate that the Democrats have nominated in recent history, and that is a terrifying truth to face.