Watch Hillary get blasted! Donald Trump lays it on the line in this crucial clip from their first presidential debate.
Trump reminds voters that Clinton is a career Democrat whose policies (along with those of her husband) have cost Americans jobs, their savings and even their lives in foreign conflicts.
Under Clinton, nothing will change from how the current Obama administration has been doing business (the national debt has doubled under the president’s watch). More free-trade agreements will get ratified like NAFTA, which Bill Clinton signed (and Hillary backed), costing the U.S. one-third of its manufacturing jobs.
Poverty is rampant in America, and the Obama administration and Clinton’s campaign continue to spout exaggerated income numbers and distorted jobs data, which show more Americans may be working, but in what roles? As bartenders and waiters — service-sector jobs, not manufacturing ones.
Under Clinton, tech companies like Dell and Facebook would hire thousands of foreign H1-B visa workers instead of Americans. More illegal immigrants would come across our borders and take our work. Even the stock market, which is temporarily moving in a positive direction, would be terribly affected if interest rates were raised even a little bit.
This is the definition of a trap — a bubble — and what happens to all bubbles? They pop.